And yet I have experienced pain--old wounds, family wounds, ancestral and cultural wounds were stirred.
The season of dark has passed and is making way for light. Light's irrepressible, I wrote to a friend. Light will find its way, love will find its way--I am learning to allow that more and more into my being, soul, here and now. Darkness shimmers with the possibilities of new growth, new seeds, so much radiance that only new birth, re-birth can bring.
Who do I want to ask to walk with me in these moments, in this journey?
In the darkest of winter, I contacted therapy centers in the Bay Area. Tomorrow, I must decide whether or not to go ahead with these visits.
A part of me knows these spaces may not hold, exactly, the frequencies of all that I am experiencing: the shifts into a widening trust, truth, of who I am in relation to the immense gift of this world we walk in, our physical selves always pulsing with the vibration of love, of our ancestors and the light they carry of old, of old wise ones. Of how, incarnate, we are always pointed to the charmed center where we are always fully who we are.
=They say/I say=
The thing with therapy is that you are relying on a human to provide the absolute, unconditional love and alignment and regard that only Source, only Mystery can hold, can em'body'. What is closest to that: Plants. Animals, in utter benign integrity with their own deep authentic wild nature.
It would take a remarkable human to hold unfailingly that vibration of flowing, sumptuous love, and it must be done on the ground | groundswell of spirit. We are all learning to be that. We are all becoming, growing into that radiance, growing into the deep, dark, fertile mysteries of our incredibly varied, beautiful, lusciously wild natures.
There is so much love for you in the universe. There is love pouring out of skies in the form of rain, love blending into warm sunsets as the gold, vibrant hues of our very hearts, love in every touch you reach that reaches you.
You are alive and you feel it. You will move towards healing because your psyche is attuned to wholeness. Because you come from wholeness and know that in your bones, as true as it is.